Can NINETEEN° be used daily? 

Yes, you may consume daily as indicated in Directions of Use. 

Is NINETEEN° suitable for vegetarians? 

NINETEEN° do not contain any animal-derived ingredients, and can be suitable for vegetarians.

Is NINETEEN° suitable for children?

NINETEEN° is for adults only, and not suitable for children.

Can NINETEEN° be consumed during pregnancy and lactation?

As NINETEEN° contains natural plant ingredient Eurycoma Longifolia, women who are pregnant or lactating should consult their doctor before use. 

Is NINETEEN° suitable for diabetics? 

NINETEEN° contain sugar substitute that is widely used and suitable for diabetics. 

What is Eurycoma Longifolia?

Eurycoma Longifolia is a natural herbal root originating from Malaysia. It is traditionally used as a tea to fight fatigue, treat muscle pain and enhance male health (1). It is recently patented to reduce core body temperature, and in turn support deep sleep, optimizing sleep-wake cycle.

Can NINETEEN° be taken long term? 

The active ingredient, Eurycoma Longifolia, do not appear to have adverse effects on liver, kidney and other health complications up to doses of 600mg per day. Clinical studies conducted on Eurycoma Longifolia do not have negative health effects reported. 

Should NINETEEN° be taken with or without food? 

NINETEEN° can be taken with or without food. However, it is recommended to be taken after a meal (i.e after food), especially for people with gastro-health issues. 

Are there any artificial colours or dyes used in NINTEEN°?

There are no artificial colourings used. 

How is safety, purity and quality ensured in NINETEEN°?

We work with reliable suppliers and manufacturing partners to ensure product quality specifications are in order. We run necessary quality tests to ensure product safety. NINETEEN° is produced in a GMP and HACCP-certified manufacturing facility. In Singapore, it complies with the regulations set out by Health Authority of Singapore (HSA). 


1. Zhari I, Norhayati I, Jaafar L. Malaysian Monograph Committee. Malaysian herbal monograph, vol. 1. 1999. p. 67–70.